Vabimo vas v Šentjanž v Rožu, kjer bo 9. februarja odprtje razstave Planine v sliki 2012 in odprtje razstave o Jaku Čopu, planinskem fotografu in avtorju planinskih knjig ter predavanje o filmu Sfinga – o plezanju zdaj in nekdaj v Severni triglavski steni.
VABILO: Planine v slikahOn 9th February you are invited to Šentjanž in Rož. Several events will take place.
– Exhibition opening: Mountains in pictures 2012
– Exhibition about Jaka Čop, who was a mountain photographer and author of many books about mountaineering.
– A lecture about the film Sfinga. The film tells the history of climbing the northern face of Triglav, the highest mountain in Slovenia.