12.30 Pestra ponudba domačih jedi, sladic in izdelkov domače obrti 14.30 Začetek kulturno etnološkega programa s sprevodom narodnih noš in ostalih nastopajočih od gostilne Šurc do trga na Gorici. Prikaz starih kmečkih opravil in nastop pevskega zbora, folklorne skupine, citrark, harmonikarja in otrok iz vrtca Rateče. 12.00–17.00 Predstavitev dopolnjene muzejske zbirke v Kajžnkovi hiši z novim filmom »Oblečene po ratešk«. V muzeju bodo od 14. do 16. ure potekale otroške delavnice in od 16.30 do 17. ure pastirske spretnostne igre. 16.00–24.00 Veselica z ansamblom IGOR IN ZLATI ZVOKI
This event is dedicated to the local ethnological heritage and aims to present the customs and traditions of the Zgornjesavska Valley, its regional national costumes and cottage industry. The locals put on their regional national costumes, several of which are over one hundred years old.
This year the programme starts at 12.30 with food and sweets tasting, at 2.30 pm the main event starts at Gorica square with procession of villagers dressed in folk costumes.
12.00–5 pm Presentation of the museum collection in Kajžnk house and the new movie. From 2 pm to 4 pm: museum workshops; from 4.30 to 5 pm games. from 4 pm on band IGOR IN ZLATI ZVOKI